Search Site: OnlineNigeria


Posted by Fisayo Akomolede on 10/19/2013 5:23:37 AM |

Written by: Fisayo Akomolede

Pain, wailing and gnashing of teeth,
An unpleasantly we pray not to meet.
But some make it a living.
Touring the world,
Terrorising and killing.
I picture them as beasts.
Unlawful and sick.

Technology becomes Satan.
Accentuating mans agenda.
Flies into unstable fingers,
A tool for terrorist acts.
Who can stop them now?
The one who exchanged cash for arms?
Certainly, no!

Countless men displaced.
Seems charity has misplaced.
Can the sphere be salvaged?
Then goes an adage:
"What goes around, comes around."
Inevitable, judgement is.
Why do this?

Judgement is inevitable.
Each of us would defend our course.
Whether right or wrong.
If all wrong,
Banishment to everlasting wrath.
What does does evil do?
In the end, it's a broken tool.