Search Site: OnlineNigeria


Posted by Faeo 'Lyre' Clive on 10/15/2011 11:41:09 AM |

Written by: Faeo 'Lyre' Clive

Aargh! A break into pains
unto spankings, my soul to canes
Drown would e'en sink
my heart, beneath a wink.
Thus could neither vie
or stronger than a sigh.
Albeit now I can know
'tis hardest at times, letting go.
Be it as it may, they did
and drove us both, amid.

For felt shall make to your hero forever
Thought would proffer me the sought spouse
and I, held for your emotions and quiver
of which mine for, uxorial eros at source.
So I stood at source, your Golds and silver.
Thus, neighbouring lovers borrowing from us.

Inamorata! Do not grief
and let my heart the thief.
For I could either fall
as gripped is the ball.
Thus, would I again rejoice_
as ceased'd be thy voice.
Although none I have_ alchemy,
to all shall grow an enemy;
when those of our warm-days,
I'd watch, interred in haze.

All wrangles and ribaldry, indelible shall any.
As thou shrouded and shuttled my love-life.
No stetford-lady again, procreating my progeny
for as at the end would an evergreen wife.
Vows to impress and raise ménage and you,  Jenny!
Now to weep, with my hands for me, a knife.

Lovelorn hither to the hereafter
for diminishing my soul's laughter.
Just going by, my Gold
and this navel, living bold.
I'd rather wither and lie
in the stead of asking 'why'
why meant impermanent
now for my nostalgia, meant.
This absence grew me fonder,
striking in a roaring thunder.

Fidus Achates! My bile is virulent to thee,
better still I reversed your wondrous visage.
Thinking we would serve for you and me
from our platonic start hitherto the consent age.
For at nascent, unfurled soul at no fee,
hence, thus kismet victimized me to a wage.