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Answer this

Posted by I A Bello on 3/22/2013 5:09:52 PM |

Written by: I A Bello

The Belligerents are at bay,

but know not the cause,

nor their stations.

A war, of greed, corruption, nepotism, idiosyncrasies.

But is a war not of two opposing parties.

Where the other is ignorant or oblivious to the situation,

It is but a pogrom.

I fear here is a slow pogrom of my people,

A toxic disregard of my people,

Mental, physical, economical, political genocide


I fear here is an indignant betrayal by the supposed sons and daughters of my father.

But why?

Do i sit here and do nothing?

And prance and dance as our mother is being defiled.

And Azonto or Etigi away my pains and aches

or bask around in now endemic beliefs,

'It is my fair share of the National cake'

I fear that we have lost,

As the greed of the few burgeons into a routine.

What to do?

Pray to Thee and watch?

A revolution?

But curbed by another endemic belief

'My life is worth more than the idea of posterity'

Do i weep tears?

Or lie that my fears are allayed

When the young are trapped in the encompassed scheme of deceit,

'Money is where money is'

'Owo wa ni bi ti owo wa'

Where the old lack the prerequisite of the title,


And weave nothing but this same web of deceit.

Old nor young,

Then what is the faith of my beloved?

I was born far from the truth, far from the past.

That Nigeria was nothing but a land of promise and opportunity

And now it is a duty of my beloved to protect me from the gruesome truth.

That she has nothing to offer me,

Cos the supposed sons and daughters of my father forbid her.

such sheer wickedness,

What do they belief?

What do you belief?

That change is possible?

My questions remains yours,

and like every of its allies it serves not a purpose without an answer.