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Pa-Ti-Zan De-Mok-Ra-See

Posted by Erhiawarien Justice Akpesiri on 1/19/2012 6:26:33 AM |

Written by: Erhiawarien Justice Akpesiri

We have been called to ledge-iss-layt
The kon-stee-chew-shon to ay-mend
Or just ay-pend a little klorz
Should we de-bayt or draw a brawl?
Or maybe wield the mace and strike
Should oppo-zish-on be allowed,
And my-norritee have a say?
What pol-lisee or pro-seed-yer:
Must we kan-vas or just e-lekt?
This pa-ti-zan de-mok-ra-see
You have your vee-toe right with you
Your many kliks and li-ay-zons
To pull the strings and raise some dust.
But rezo-loo-shon’s just so close
‘Then let’s ay-jern a se-shins’ more
My kan-dee-dayts in kab-inet
My own kam-payn has drawn so close
Some ay-gee-ems and trips abroad
To all of those I must attend
A ten-niay more I mustn’t lose
This pa-ti-zan de-mok-ra-see
We’ll meet again
Around the square.