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We The People of a Federated Nigeria:

Posted by Erhiawarien Justice Akpesiri on 1/16/2012 8:04:06 AM |

Written by: Erhiawarien Justice Akpesiri

We were and have been living below the line of poverty
Further-now, alas
Another line right beneath, drawn
And must, we must be relocated
To the line beneath and deep beneath the line of poverty, we must be relocated
And now,
We the people of Nigeria do solemnly regret
We do solemnly regret
How low beneath we graduate.
And here again,
We the people of Nigeria
Having firmly and solemnly seen and resolved
To live in impoverished unity and a distrust harmony
Yes, as a one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign nation beneath the sky
Dedicated to the promotion of poverty, felony, and vice
And to provide for a tune
A tune, for the purpose of promoting the vile government and warfare of all human upon the land,
On the tenets of choice, imbalance and fraught
And for the purpose of consolidating the plight of our people
We do hereby solemnly regret
And yet again,
We do hereby solemnly regret.