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Prescience And I

Posted by Faeo 'Lyre' Clive on 10/15/2011 12:27:12 PM |

Written by: Faeo 'Lyre' Clive

He knew me from afar
albeit who can question.
His enchantment beyond price
runs a free will.

Whence he is attracted
he moves me sightless
and freighting me but a fugitive seer.
Then he ghosts to choosing
but crabbed, his foot-prints;
etching on my breast, aureole
but evanescent as if unsure.
Therein he arises before this landfall
but tarrying an effulgent embrace
scudding upon the sky of my breast
betokening this transports, singular.
Hence put to torch my tongue
to a heave of a blurring hue, his longuer;
still, sought eased yet in doubt.
Then whence happenstance intervenes
he is cast forth to thunder
thence my breast laden heavy
melts and flow forth
out that the burning brow betakes balmā® .