Search Site: OnlineNigeria

His Broken Call

Posted by Faeo 'Lyre' Clive on 10/15/2011 11:51:29 AM |

Written by: Faeo 'Lyre' Clive

Hello! Hello! Aw! Interrupted; hello! Held!
What have had? Nor besides top-up card yield
Like vortex betaken his bower, so I sprung

Heaven! May you least betwixt the flows anew
No! Neither ever surpassing made-prove at due
aargh! Had I through this his bucolic hwyl

Thence am foretold destinations; so ingloriously
-neither states akimbo, possessed alibi free
-akin am farther afield, albeit was neither

To forsake his world's best, first through all
yet persisted no return, that not either stoical
No! Lo! Am therein we art in chorus, behold

Should 'gainst any command; neither ajar
e'en shall, through knees, forsake his heels afar
ailed neither more, there I are, excuse him

neither more 'til there, through freezed state
forgive him, so is selfless lest post-haste
he is rang through; albeit, plea beyond aforesaid.